Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Albert Fellows
Batman Begins

  • Opening Image= When Bruce as a child falls down the well and bats start attacking him. 
  • Theme= The theme of the movie is dealing with fear.
  • Set up= When Bruce and his parents go to the opera.
  • Catalyst= Bruce's parents are shot right in front of him.
  • Debate= He is alone with his butler, and doesn't know what to do.
  • B-Story= The B-Story is finding himself.
  • Fun and games=When he gets all the gadgets and the training from the ninjas. 
  • Mid-Point= When he captures the criminals smuggling the cocaine in stuffed animals. 
  • All is Lost= When Bruce is defeated by the ninjas and is under a board on fire.
  • Dark Night of the Soul=When Bruce suits up to face scarecrow and the ninjas.
  • Finale=Bruce defeats the ninjas from polluting the water supply. 
  • Final Image= Gordon gives Bruce a card with the joker on it and saying how he's dangerous and then Bruce sways off the movie screen.

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