Monday, November 9, 2015

Waking Ned Devine

            The style of editing in the movie was continuous. The very first major point in the Waking Ned Devine was when Jackie found Ned dead in his home, with the lottery ticket winner. The mid-point is when Michael pretended to be Ned I believe. Also the climax is at the very end when they cash in the check and everybody is partying. Music was used everywhere, in the very beginning it played some happy music thinking that Jackie was going to win the lottery, but it fooled us and he didn’t win. At the very end when everybody is in the pub and there are violins and the music keeps intensifying and then the witch gets hit while she’s in the phone booth. Parallel storytelling is with the witch and also when Michael is naked on the scooter while Jackie is with the guy in the car asking for Ned. 

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